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Cloud Kitchen Systems

The Ultimate Training System Designed To Launch Your Cloud Kitchen Business

It's all about How to start cloud kitchen 

  • Business Plan
  • Logo Decide
  • Legalities needed
  • ​Menu Decide
  • ​Packaging
  • ​Cloud Kitchen Business Models
  • ​How to do marketing
  • ​what should be funnels
  • ​along with all the templates and checklist

Bonus #1

Budget Setting Blueprint

  • ​It is divided into 2 segments: budgeting commercially and budgeting when starting from home along with templates.
  • Value Rs.9500

Bonus #2

Facebook Ad Mastery

  • From how to start Facebook account, make Facebook page and run Facebook ad along with all templates
  • Value Rs.14500

Bonus #3

Facebook Ad Mastery

  • Get Invited To Weekly Calls Every Tuesday 9:0pm to 10:30pm IST
  • Objective is that you get support from Dr Abhinav and ask questions/doubts from Dr Abhinav if you have any
  • Value Rs.10000

Bonus #4

Inner Vault

  • Weekly Archives Of The Latest & Best Ideas To Grow Your Business
  • All the recorded sessions of past LIVE sessions, Q&A - covered 1000+ questions
  • Value Rs.25000

Bonus #5

Cloud Kitchen Network

  • Get instant access to our own private social network to connect with other members of our community.
  • Value Rs 15000

Bonus #6

Cloud Kitchen Meetup

  • Community members teaching what is working for them. 
  • ​From Cooking to Business lessons
  • Value Rs 9999

Bonus #7

Cloud Kitchen Hackathon

  • Get invited to our monthly Hackathons and win the Freedom Finisher Award if you complete all steps!
  • Every Thursday 9 pm (objective is that you launch cloud kitchen in 30 days - step by step approach)
  • Value Rs 15000

Bonus #8

Business Domination Formula

  • How to manage time, money, energy and mind and all the practices that you should for it
  • Value Rs 25000

Total Real Value: ₹123,999

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